14 October 2019

Cue Frank Sinatra... and now the end is near

OK, I've come to the end of my patience,
I can no longer put up with the continual spam and phishing emails
that blogging attracts like cockroaches,
because that's what these 'people' and bots are.
Their unintelligible garbled messages never reach our pages
because they are caught in the blogger's 'Awaiting Moderation' files,
but that's not the point.
The point is... that people like myself who don't post as often as we used to,
and return to post only sporadically,
leave our site open, in more ways than one.
It's sad that ordinary people aren't able to just reach out and share now and then
without the constant worry of 'is my site safe?'
To the people who are still posting regularly, fantastic, keep going,
but I really don't need this unease every time an email shows it's 'Anonymous'
even though I only ever open them in blogger
never in my emails!
So I need to either close completely
or find out how to allow only certain people to view,
probably the former.
So I'll say


1 April 2019


               Anatidaephobia is defined as a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck.     The anatidaephobic person fears that no matter where they are or what they are doing, a duck watches.
Anatidaephobia is derived from the Greek word "anatidae", meaning ducks, geese or swans and "phobos" meaning fear.

# April Fools Day True or False?

31 March 2019

Mothering Sunday

For all the mothers who are no longer with us
 photo by Antanus Sutkus

25 March 2019

The feelings that hurt the most, the emotions that sting most,
are those that are absurd;
the longing for impossible things, precisely because they are impossible;
nostalgia for what never was; the desire for what could have been;
regret over not being someone else;
dissatisfaction with the world's existence.
All these half-tones of the soul's consciousness create in us a painful landscape,
an eternal sunset of what we are.

Fernando Pessoa - Book of Disquiet
Photo - Mira Nedyalkova


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