teapot - unknown / blue and white cups - warrengrovegarden.blogspot.com / Dutch tea tin 1900 - Forgotten Antiquities tumblr. / hand painted teacup and saucer - Claudia Claire Japanese tea bowl - Shinobu Hashimoto / blue tea - photo by Nicole Franzen / flower cups and saucers - ana-rosa tumblr. / blue tea pot - Omura Tsuyoshi Tipotto
embroidered linen cup - Anne Kata / rose fabric teacup and saucer - miwary / silver teapot - unknown / pink flower cups - madeliefje-blogspot.com
paper mache cup and saucer - Cecilia Levy / cup saucer and cake - unknown / gilded teacup and saucer - unknown / blue bowls - unknown / blue teapot - Mary Obodzinski
chintz jug and sugar bowls - unknown / black Japanese bowls - atelierkatu.blog / black and white teapot - Becky and Steve Lloyd / magnailium teapot - Alfred Edward Burrage
3 vintage cups and saucers - unknown / paper mache teacup and saucer - cherrytreehandmades
What a beautiful selection of photographs. I've enjoyed seeing them. Thank you.x